Programs For Children At EGA Church In Edmonton

What Programs Exist For Children At EGA Church Edmonton

Sunday School is extremely valuable to the EGA Church Edmonton. According to the Holy Scriptures, Children are precious to Jesus.

The goal of Sunday school is to provide children an opportunity to learn about the Holy Bible and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
EGA Sunday School encourages children to seek a close relationship with Jesus.

Our Church’s future is represented by children at every level.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

King Solomon gives solid counsel to parents. When a kid is raised with the appropriate principles and perspective, the lessons learned will endure a lifetime. In order to achieve this goal, we follow an established syllabus.

What Programs Exist For Kids At EGA Church Edmonton

Jesus has blessed us with children, and we should return our kids to Him. He has a divine purpose for their life.

The goal is to allow the Lord’s plan to be carried out in their lives. Sunday School is an excellent space to instill Christian principles in kids.

Our Programs for children at EGA Church in Edmonton (Sunday School) have classes from grades 1-10 and we follow the syllabus of a reputed Pentecostal division in Kerala.

Our classes are from 9 am – 10 am on all Sundays.